Dan Peltier - Profile Pic

Dan Peltier

Web Designer, Web Developer, Professor, Mentor


Who is Dan Peltier?

Presented herein is an individual who breaks stereotypes while working to better the human condition. Dan Peltier is a total nerd, a social butterfly, a hardcore feminist, a teacher, a student, a technophile, a writer, and an artist.

He is perpetually nurturing ideas, testing limits, and sharing results.

Dan sees the world in code, and he has an uncanny ability to bring an understanding of technical concepts to those who are not technologically inclined.

He loves to learn. He loves to teach. He loves to create.

Dan programming with his cat, Stitches

Sample Work

Open Vegan Resource thumbnail
Open Vegan Resource
Type: Website
Description: Designed using Bootstrap 4, with full admin, workflow, and user credentials developed using PHP, AJAX and MySQL
Status:Pending Launch
Fibremancy thumbnail
Type: Website
Description: A Portal Site designed using Bootstrap 3, which uses JS/JQuery to make it more interactive, while acting as a Landing Page for an Etsy store
Open Vegan Resource thumbnail
Life of a Programmer
Type: Blog
Description: A Bootstrap-driven Blog outlining Dan Peltier's life of programming, which started when he was 10 years old

Where Dan is willing to work: